Undo Bank Reconciliation in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Here are the scripts for undo Bank Reconciliation in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  • Determine the Recon# of the reconciliation to be un-done (replace XXXXX with the appropriate Checkbook ID):
           select * from CM20500 where CHEKBKID = ‘XXXXX’ order by RECONUM
  • Change the transactions in that recon to not reconciled (replace the ##.##### with the exact RECONUM determined in #1 above):
          update CM20200 set Recond = 0 where RECONUM = ‘##.#####’
          update CM20200 set ClrdAmt = 0 where RECONUM = ‘##.#####’
          update CM20200 set clearedate = 0000-00-00 where RECONUM = ‘##.#####’
          update CM20200 set RECONUM = 0 where RECONUM = ‘##.#####’
  • Remove the Recon from history (replace the ##.##### with the exact RECONUM determined in #1 above):
          delete CM20500 where RECONUM = ‘##.#####’
  • Update the Checkbook Master with the revised Last Recon Date and Last Recon Amount (Replace MM with the desired Month and DD with desired day. Repace #######.## with the appropriate amount – no commas. Replace XXXXX with the appropriate Checkbook ID):
          update CM00100 set Last_Reconciled_Date = ‘2010-MM-DD 00:00:00.000′ where
          CHEKBKID = ‘XXXXX’
          update CM00100 set Last_Reconciled_BALANCE = ‘#######.##’ where CHEKBKID =
           In my case the customer wanted all bank reconciliations deleted and they only had one
           checkbook, so I didn’t have to worry about the “where” sections of the scripts in steps 2
           and 3.  I also then ran step 4 but when I went to look at the checkbook in GP the Last
           Reconciled Date and Amount fields weren’t available to edit like they normally are when
           you first setup a checkbook.

  • After taking a look at the checkbook in the CM00100 I noticed one additional column that needed to get updated in my case.  Running the following script allowed me to have access to those two fields on the checkbook maintenance window:
          Update the Reconcilded column to a 0 to enter a Last Reconciled and Last Reconciled Amount
          Update CM00100 set Recond=0 where CHECKBKID = ‘XXXXX’

IMPORTANT: As always make sure you have good backups before performing any data manipulation in SQL tables and if at all possible first do it in a test company, so that you can validate that you get the results that you want.

Dynamics AX 7, RTW

Finally we have a RTW(Release to Web) version of new Dynamics AX 7 (build number 7.0.1265.3015) and has been made available for deployments now. you can download virtual machine (VM) with below link
(make sure you have require access for this link).
You can also get alot of reference material + VM on LCS portal (Lifecycle services). LCS will also help you to deploy your desired environment on cloud.
Follow below link to get detailed information,  how to access Microsoft Dynamics AX Development instances, configure on premise development VMs, and find key configurations settings for developers and administrators.