This article explains how to use the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
To access a menu using keyboard shortcut keys, press ALT and the underlined letter of the menu that you want to access. For example, press ALT, A to display the Transactions menu and press ALT, F to display the File menu. To select a command from a menu by using the keyboard, press ALT and the underlined letter of the menu that you want to access, then select the underlined letter in the command name. For example, to open the Transaction Entry window, press ALT, A, F, G.
To access a menu using keyboard shortcut keys, press ALT and the underlined letter of the menu that you want to access. For example, press ALT, A to display the Transactions menu and press ALT, F to display the File menu. To select a command from a menu by using the keyboard, press ALT and the underlined letter of the menu that you want to access, then select the underlined letter in the command name. For example, to open the Transaction Entry window, press ALT, A, F, G.
What if two menu commands share the same keyboard shortcut?
If two commands in a menu share a common keyboard shortcut, you can switch between the commands by continuing to press the underlined letter for those commands. For example, if you display the Transactions menu and select Financial, there are four commands that share the same keyboard shortcut (Batches, Bank Deposits, Bank Transactions, and Bank Transfers). To select the Bank Deposits command, press ALT, A, F, B, B. Each time you press B, the next command that has B underlined in its name is selected.
If two commands in a menu share a common keyboard shortcut, you can switch between the commands by continuing to press the underlined letter for those commands. For example, if you display the Transactions menu and select Financial, there are four commands that share the same keyboard shortcut (Batches, Bank Deposits, Bank Transactions, and Bank Transfers). To select the Bank Deposits command, press ALT, A, F, B, B. Each time you press B, the next command that has B underlined in its name is selected.
What if a button in an opened window shares the same keyboard shortcut as a menu on the menu bar?
When a button in an open window shares the same keyboard shortcut as a menu on the menu bar, the commands available on that menu will be displayed when you use the keyboard shortcut. But if you type the keyboard shortcut and then press the underlined letter again, the button in the open window will be selected. For example, the Accounts button in the Customer Maintenance window shares the same keyboard shortcut as the Transactions menu on the menu bar. If the Customer Maintenance window is open and you press ALT, A, the commands that are on the Transactions menu will be displayed. But if the Customer Maintenance window is open and you press ALT, A, A, the Accounts button will be selected and the Customer Account Maintenance window will be displayed.