There are always great benefits of shortcut :-), however this does not mean to explore the shortcut anyway in your life. Let me explain some nice features of Dynamics 365 (generally known as Dynamics AX7), since you can increase your productivity and accomplish some more tasks if you manage to use the keyboard shortcut in any ERP application.
It would help the data operators who usually engage in bulk transnational entries and have a job that requires precision it is advisable that they use the keyboard to more accurate to handle high volume transaction through shortcut keys.
Following are the shortcuts of Dynamics 365 (AX-7)
Action shortcuts
- Open action search Ctrl+’ or Alt+Q
- Move to the standard action pane Ctrl+F6
- Open a tab in the action pane or a menu Enter or Space or Alt+Down Arrow
- Move to next/previous option in a menu Down Arrow / Up Arrow
- Close a tab in the action pane or a menu Esc
- Simulate a right-click Shift+F10
- Open 365 for Operations context menu Ctrl+F10
- Execute default button on a form/dialog Alt+Enter
- Click a button or tile Enter or Space
- View refresh information for a count tile Alt+Up Arrow
Date picker shortcuts
- Open the date picker Alt+Down Arrow
- Move between dates in the date picker Ctrl+Arrows
- Move to the next/previous month Page Down / Page Up
- Move next/previous year Ctrl+Shift+Page Down /Page Up
FactBox shortcuts
- Open the FactBox pane Ctrl+F2
- Close the FactBox pane Esc
- Move to the next/previous FactBox Alt+Shift+Down Arrow / Alt+Shift+Up
- Move to the <n>th FactBox Alt+<n> (<n> = 1-9)
- Expand a FactBox (focus header) Space or Enter
- Collapse the current FactBox Alt+0
Filtering shortcuts
- Open grid filtering for current column Ctrl+G
- Close grid filtering column Esc
- Open the Filter pane Ctrl+F3
- Close the Filter pane Esc
- Open advanced filtering/sort Ctrl+Shift+F3
Form shortcuts
- Create a new record Alt+N
- Delete a record Alt+Del or Alt+F9
- Save record Alt+S or Ctrl+S
- Revert (restore) Ctrl+Shift+F5
- Data refresh Shift+F5
- Move to the visible first field Alt+Shift+F
- Toggle edit mode F2
- Attach a document Ctrl+Shift+A
- Export to Excel Ctrl+Shift+E
- Move to the previous record Ctrl+Up Arrow
- Move to the next record Ctrl+Down Arrow
- Move to the first record Ctrl+Home
- Move to the last record Ctrl+End
- Open the navigation list Ctrl+F8
- Close the navigation list Esc
Form navigation shortcuts
- Move to the next/previous field Tab / Shift+Tab
- Move to the next/previous tab Alt+Shift+Right Arrow / Alt+Shift+Left
- Move to the next/previous FastTab Alt+Shift+Down Arrow / Alt+Shift+Up
- Move to the <n>th FastTab Alt+<n> (<n> = 1-9)
- Move to the <n>th tab Alt+Shift+<n> (<n> = 1-9)
- Expand a FastTab Space or Enter
- Collapse the current FastTab Alt+0
- Switch to grid view Ctrl+Shift+G
- Switch to details view Ctrl+Shift+D
- Switch to header view Ctrl+Shift+H
- Switch to lines view Ctrl+Shift+L
- Close the form (click Back) Esc
- Close the form with explicit save Shift+Esc
- Close the form discarding any changes Alt+Shift+Q
Grid shortcuts
- Move to the next/previous column Tab / Shift+Tab
- Move to the next/previous row Down Arrow / Up Arrow
- Move to the next/previous row Ctrl+Up Arrow / Ctrl+Down Arrow
- Select/clear the current row Ctrl+Space / Ctrl+Click
- Add the next/previous row Shift+Space
- Add a range of rows Shift+Click
- Go to the next/previous page of data Page Up / Page Down
- Create a new row at the bottom Down Arrow (from the last row)
- Select or clear all rows Ctrl+Shift+M
- Move to the first record Ctrl+Home
- Move to the last record Ctrl+End
Input control shortcuts
- Enter the session date in a date field D+Tab
- Enter the current date in a date field T+Tab
- Open lookup, combo box, date picker Alt+Down Arrow
- Close lookup, combo box, date picker Esc
- Move focus into a lookup Alt+Down Arrow
- Open the control’s enhanced preview Alt+Up Arrow
- Select text in the current field Ctrl+A
- Enter/leave the text area in an HTML Alt+Down Arrow / Alt+Up Arrow
Messaging shortcuts
- Go to the Message Center Ctrl+Shift+F7
- Go to the Message Bar Ctrl+F7
Navigation shortcuts
- Go to the dashboard Alt+Shift+Home
- Go to the navigation bar Alt+Shift+F1
- Go to the navigation pane Alt+F1
- Favorite/un-favorite a form Shift+F
- Go to the company picker Ctrl+Shift+O
- Go to navigation search Ctrl+/ or Alt+G
- Open the help pane Ctrl+?
- Open the trace parser Alt+Shift+T
Segmented entry shortcuts
- Open the drop-down list Alt+Down Arrow
- Move focus into the input field Alt+Down Arrow
- Close the drop-down list Alt+Up Arrow
- Close/openright portion drop-down list Alt+Left Arrow / Alt+Right Arrow
- Toggle “Show valid” and “Show all” Alt+W
- Select the value from drop-down list Enter
- Move to the next/previous control page Tab / Shift+Tab
- Move to the next/previous input field Tab / Shift+Tab
- Move up/down a row in the lookup Up Arrow / Down Arrow
- Move up/down a page in the lookup Page Up / Page Down
- Move to the top/bottom of the lookup Home / End
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