Software Architectural Patterns

 Software Architectural Patterns

1. Event-Driven Architecture:
- Components: Event Producer, Event Broker, Event Consumers.
- Usage: Real-time data processing and highly scalable applications, like financial systems and IoT.

2. Layered Architecture:
- Layers: Presentation, Business/Application, Data Access, Persistence, Infrastructure.
- Usage: Enterprise applications with complex business rules.

3. Monolithic Architecture:
- Structure: All functionalities integrated into a single application.
- Usage: Simpler applications, can become cumbersome as the app grows.

4. Microservice Architecture:
- Components: API Gateway, Microservices (e.g., Catalog, Shopping Cart, Ordering).
- Usage: Large, complex applications requiring high scalability and independent deployment.

5. MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture:
- Components: Model (data and logic), View (user interface), Controller (handles input).
- Usage: Web applications to separate concerns for easier management.

6. Master-Slave Architecture:
- Components: Master Server (writes), Slave Servers (reads), Database.
- Usage: Load balancing and high availability, suitable for large-scale databases.

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