How to print "-" for Zero Amounts or assign "Dr" / "Cr" for Amounts in Microsoft FRx

In the Column Layout, there is a drop down containing default formats to select from in the Special Format Mask field. These can be modified as necessary.  Amount formatting has three separate sections separated by semi-colons.

#,##0.00; (#,##0.00); 0.00
Change the display of zero amounts to print either a line "-" or the text Zero, within the Column Layout select the Special Format Mask field for the column desired.  Use either the drop down to select a pre-defined positive or negative number format or use the edit bar from the top and type in the positive or negative number format.  Finally, type a semicolon and then type "-" if dash are desired, if word Zero are desired then type "Zero". Repeat steps for each column in the layout requiring the special format.
For "-" type the following mask:
                 #,##0.00; (#,##0.00); -
For "Zero" type the following mask:
                 #,##0.00; (#,##0.00); Zero

If you desire to suppress printing of amounts, enter semicolons with nothing between them. The missing format prevents that type of amount from being displayed. Ex. #,##0.00;;Zero

If you desire DR next to positive amounts and CR to print next to negative amounts, you can do so by placing these in quotes anywhere in the format. Ex. #,##0.00DR; #,##0.00CR; Zero As in this example, there is no need for the parentheses for the negative amounts.

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